m2e joyously celebrated our 4 year anniversary on September 15th at Splitsville Luxury Lanes in South Miami.
Miroslav “Misha” Mladenovic, president and founder of m2e is no stranger to the construction industry with more than 25 years of experience. He began as a project manager at Energoprojekt in Belgrade, Serbia and worked on projects throughout Europe and Africa ranging from security designs to equipment commissioning. After relocating to the United States, Misha was a principal engineer for 7 years at Atkins Engineers in Miami, FL. He departed from the company to start his own firm named m2e Consulting Engineers in September of 2005. Misha brought 6 employees from his team with him, as well as numerous clients including attorneys, developers and general contractors. Today, our firm has expanded to a staff of fifteen professionals committed to providing our clients with the only the highest quality of work.
Our staff enjoyed a little competive team spirit at our Anniversary party and “spared” no expense. The talented grand prize winner was Vincent Sancho, P.E.