m2e President, Misha Mladenovic, puts his cooking skills to the test at the Coral Gables Chamber Interactive Luncheon.
The Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce hosted an Interactive Luncheon with Chef Nino Pernetti from Caffe Abbracci on August 28th at the Biltmore Hotel.
Cooking and good eating just so happen to be one of Misha’s favorite pastimes so it’s no surpise that he gladly volunteered to cook for his table. Misha made a strawberry risotto (risotto alle fragole) and veal scallopini in wine and cheese sauce. Mmmm!
Along with all the delicious fare there was also great networking as he had the opportunity to meet and cook for the President of Research Management Group, a professional property management group located in Coral Gables.
Our chefs hat goes off to the Chamber for another wonderful event!